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Qlik Sense

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – July 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – July 2024

This month’s updates in Qlik Cloud include Context Menu for Visualisations and On-Demand Tabular Reporting to mention a few. In the Data Integration area, the updates focus on improving the performance and reliability of data replication processes. Read on to learn more about the new additions in July.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – June 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – June 2024

In addition to all the news announced at Qlik Connect earlier this month, Qlik has also made a number of enhancements in Qlik Cloud. This month’s updates span across automation, visualisation, and data preparation, ensuring you have the tools you need to maximise efficiency and insight.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – May 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – May 2024

This month’s updates include enhancements to the Amazon connectors, usability and support of Qlik Cloud functionality, and more details around writing inline load statements. This will be a great aid to any novice Qlik script developers. Check out all the news in Qlik Cloud in this blog post to stay ahead!

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – April 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – April 2024

This month you will find out about new releases in Qlik Cloud Data Integration for the Data Movement Gateway, new SaaS application connectors, and a new data connection interface. In the analytics world, you will find enhancements to reporting, app styling, and administration.

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A Journey to Qlik Sense in Qlik Cloud
Customer Case

A Journey to Qlik Sense in Qlik Cloud

Ontrack are a software company that provide a Works Management Solution for teams who repair and maintain our roads. Initially, they used QlikView to provide daily reports on jobs to their customers. Read how we supported Ontrack to move their analytics and reporting from QlikView to Qlik Sense, utilising the Qlik Cloud platform.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – March 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – March 2024

Want to stay up to date with the latest enhancements on the Qlik Cloud Platform? Then visit this monthly blog to learn about the top 10 updates within the Data Analytics and Data Integration area and how you can use these new features in your daily work.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Jan & Feb 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Jan & Feb 2024

Welcome to the first blog for 2024 where you will get the latest and greatest enhancements made to the Qlik Cloud Platform. A major update is a complete rebranding of Qlik, with a sparkly new logo and website refresh. This represents a bold, modern step forward for Qlik including extended capabilities in AI, machine learning, and more.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Dec 2023

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Dec 2023

Christmas has come early with some great features we have been waiting for. Will this enable the remaining QlikView and NPrinting users to migrate to Qlik Cloud? Our data analytics and integration consultants Roger Gray and Mark James elaborate more on the topic in this blog.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Nov 2023

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Nov 2023

Here we give you the latest and greatest in new features added to the Qlik Cloud platform. It’s now easier than ever to migrate your Qlik Sense apps to Qlik Cloud and to navigate between the Qlik and Talend Clouds if you are an existing Talend customer. Learn more in the blog!

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Move to Qlik Cloud

Move to Qlik Cloud

With Qlik Cloud you create, reload, and consume your Qlik apps entirely on Qlik’s hosted cloud platform. The platform is scalable, easy to access, and provides you with the latest features released by Qlik monthly, meaning no more software upgrades or downtime for your IT departments. Download our Qlik Cloud Migration Guide today to adopt Qlik Cloud at your own pace.

Integrate, analyse, and visualise your data with TimeXtender and Qlik Sense
On-Demand Webinar

Integrate, analyse, and visualise your data with TimeXtender and Qlik Sense

These days, who has the time to write scripts and code for data ingestion and preparation? Find out how to free up time for you and your team by watching this quick 15-minute webinar on how TimeXtender accelerates and optimises dashboarding in Qlik Sense.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Oct 2023

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Oct 2023

In this blog, Roger Gray and Mark James deep dive into Qlik’s integration with AI technology that can help with the creation of Qlik application expressions and extend data interpretation. Read more about the latest updates added in Qlik Cloud in October.

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What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Sep 2023

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – Sep 2023

The latest updates focus on enhancing efficiency, scalability, and governance in data tasks, making Qlik Cloud an ever more powerful tool for organisations to manage their data operations. Let’s dive into the key features and advancements introduced recently.

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Customer Case


Customer Success Story – UCC Coffee were first founded in Japan 90 years ago. As the wider UCC Group has grown, much of their data has been stored and managed in different systems. The decision was made to leave these legacy systems behind and ensure a unified approach to data and reporting.

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Data Intergration Pipeline Build
On-Demand Webinar

Data Intergration Pipeline Build

Join our Data Integration & BI Consultant, Mark James and Qlik’s Global Products Marketing Manager, Adam Mayer, for a Qlik Cloud Data Integration pipeline build demo.