Climber Worldwide

Big Data LDN

Join us at Big Data LDN 2022

Join us at Big Data LDN 2022

We’re excited to be returning to Big Data LDN – the UK’s largest free data & analytics conference and exhibition this month. It’s happening once again at Olympia in London on 21-22 September. Come meet us there!

>> Sign up here!
Let the data lead your decisions – Summarising Big Data LDN 2021

Let the data lead your decisions – Summarising Big Data LDN 2021

After what has been a strange 18 months for us all, it was amazing to see so many attending Big Data LDN last week. It was the UK’s largest free to attend data and analytics exhibition at Olympia in London and it was great finally meeting up with colleagues, customers, and partners again while exploring the latest software technology and solutions.

>> Read the summary
Join us at Big Data LDN 2021

Join us at Big Data LDN 2021

Big Data LDN is back! It’s the UK’s largest free data & analytics conference and exhibition at Olympia, London on 22-23 September. Save your spot at Big Data LDN and get insights how to build a bright data-driven future for your business. Let us know if you’re going and let’s have a coffee together!

>> Sign up here!