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Professional data warehouse or data lake services to help you build a complete picture

 To visualise your data, report on it and gain true business insight, you need to know that your data is sourced and structured correctly. A data warehouse or data lake stores your data from multiple sources and can become the foundation of your business intelligence solution.

Data warehouse or data lake?

A data warehouse stores your data in a consistent and structed manner for defined analytical purposes. On the other hand a data lake stores your data in a more raw form, and is only structured as and when it is needed. You may already have an existing on-premise solution or wish to move to a cloud-based one. There are three main cloud-based IT infrastructure providers – Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS – that can store your data. Whereas providers such as Snowflake focus on providing a fully managed service for data warehouse, data lake and data application development. Each solution has the power to store your entire businesses reference data in one place – creating ‘one source of truth’ – while also providing flexibility and scalability when you need it. Alternatively, you also have the option of creating a data warehouse within Qlik itself.

Extracting data to fuel your decision making

For your business intelligence solution to drive your business forward it needs to be working with the right data. We have years of experience in working across different data lake and data warehouse technologies and can work with you to design and implement these to support your wider BI solution that is right for your business.

  • Source: We will source your data from its original location, such as your ERP, CRM or HR systems, add it to your data warehouse and structure it in line with the outcomes you want to achieve. Unstructured data? No problem, we can digest this as well.
  • Transform: We will transform your data and make it useable within your data warehouse by creating a structured data set that is organised, consistent and scalable.
  • Connect: We will connect that structured data to your business intelligence solution that visualises and reports on it to help you gain true business insight.

How we helped Babcock to use a data warehouse to structure its data

Find out how we helped Babcock to improve its data reporting for the British army with Qlik and Microsoft.


Let us help you get your data in shape!

You may already have a data warehouse or data lake solution in place or have made the decision about which cloud-based route you plan to take. Either way we can help you organise your data so you can start using it to inform your business decisions.

James Sharp

Managing Director
+44 203 858 0668

Johan Levander

Climber Expert Services
+46 70 952 91 60