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This is how the Climber Custom Report for Qlik Sense works

How long have you wished for customisable tables in Qlik Sense?

The TED accredited Climber Custom Report Extension for Qlik Sense is the quintessence of self-service, being able to create customised tables based on data in master tables gives you an extremely versatile and powerful tool. With the option to choose any dimension or measure you want to see and visualise in a variety of ways you will always have it your way. Check out the tutorial below!


  • Visualise your data as a straight table, pivot table or combo chart.
  • Sort your data in pivot tables and combo charts.
  • Choose between different combo chart options. You can both change layouts and add values.
  • Export to an app! Export your customised table. Just select the data, click “export to app” and continue working with your new data set.
Qlik Analytics Tour International with Climber


ONLINE EVENT: Learn how to shorten time from data to action with extensions

Join us for an online masterclass on how to accelerate actions through Augmented Data Analytics at the Qlik Analytics Tour 2020 on September 17th, 10 am CET!

Our friends at Vizlib will showcase how any user can leverage advanced analytics on the fly to predict the best action to follow up, with the help of smart visualisations, clustering and collaboration in Qlik Sense. The event is free, and spots are limited.


This is how it works.
Check out the tutorial!


  • Defer Layout Update – Wait for confirmation before updating the visualisation.
  • Show details – Use descriptions in your master item dimensions and measures.
  • Icons – Option to use icons instead of a drop-down menu.
  • Hide-options – Hide items on the context.
  • Combo Chart options – Show/Hide data labels and data points.
  • Sort dimensions/measures –  Now available in pivot tables and combo charts too.


  • Totals is on as default if not otherwise specified.
  • Reorganised the settings in the property panel.
  • Perfect scrollbar bug.
  • Export to app.
  • Selection errors on large data sets.
  • Column order sync error.
  • Improved Firefox compatibility.

What are Climber Extensions?

With Climber Extensions, you will get a complete business solution in Qlik Sense. We have developed a series of extensions for more flexible, user-friendly and transparent solutions in Qlik Sense. We have also developed extensions especially for people in the finance department, such as the finance report, custom report, and KPI extensions. Are you using QlikView today? Extensions are the way to an even better BI solution while still retaining some of the old QlikView functionality.


Climber Extensions are available by monthly subscription and fees are based on the number of user licenses in Qlik Sense. The extensions can be used on all applications and by all users. The subscription includes installation, normal product support, updates and any additions we make to the packages over time.

Want to know more?
Contact us!

James Sharp

Managing Director
+44 203 858 0668

Alex Booth

Business Development Manager
+44 203 858 0668

Published 2018-10-24

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