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Climber Webinar - Data Integration Pipeline Build


Qlik Cloud Data Integration Pipeline Build

– Deliver Actionable Insight from your Real Time Data Pipelines –


Join our Data Integration & BI Consultant, Mark James and Qlik’s Global Products Marketing Manager, Adam Mayer, for a Qlik Cloud Data Integration pipeline build demo. Hear how Urban Outfitters‘ used Qlik to help boost operational performance, using real-time data to support ‘in the moment’ data driven decision making.

Then see it in action and learn how Qlik can orchestrate your data integration pipelines by enabling:  

  1. Near real-time data replication for your source systems via CDC based data pipeline.
  2. Automate creation and management of a data warehouse or data lakes, saving time and money.
  3. Quickly deployed on-prem or cloud-based architectures.
  4. Unified, governed, and trusted data catalogue for analytics users.
  5. Liberate your ERP data (including SAP) through the pre-built accelerators and dashboards.

Mark James – Data Integration & BI Consultant, Climber BI
Mark works as a Data Integration and BI Consultant for Climber UK, continuing with his knowledge of Qlik Data Integration and Qlik Data Analytics. He has 10 years of Data Analytics and Integration presales experience.

Adam Mayer – Director, Global Products / Technical Product Marketing Manager, Qlik
Adam is responsible for CDC Streaming, data replication as well as delivering Qlik’s Internet of Things (IoT) and GDPR go-to-market strategy. An avid follower of new technology with a deep fascination of all things IoT, data streaming and analytics.  With a strong technical and engineering background spanning over 20 years.


We can help you use Qlik to drive your own results

Talk to us about how to best use Qlik to achieve your own business goals. We have helped hundreds of clients to transform their analytics and help them make better-informed decisions. Get in touch to find out more.

Tom Cotterill

BI Consultant
+44 203 858 0668

James Sharp

Managing Director
+44 203 858 0668

Published 2023-07-20

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