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QlikWorld Online 2021 James Summary

Our key take-aways from Qlik World Online 2021

Qlik host many events throughout the year, but QlikWorld is undoubtedly the biggest. For the second year running it was held virtually, for free, with a great line-up that showcased case studies, new product features and 100 break-out sessions. Qlik created a session guide app in Qlik Sense to help delegates plan, prepare for and share the break-out events. It meant that every delegate could build their own agenda for a unique QlikWorld experience. If you didn’t manage to check-out the event, here’s our key take-aways from a packed agenda.

Active Intelligence is here to stay

At last year’s event, Qlik introduced ‘Active Intelligence’ which is continuous intelligence derived from real-time data that’s specifically designed to trigger immediate actions. In a nutshell, when you can receive Active Intelligence, in real-time, you can make better informed decisions wherever you are.

It’s clear from QlikWorld 2021 that Active Intelligence is here to stay. The global pandemic has been a huge case study in itself. The way people live, shop and work has been turned on its head and businesses have realised they can’t rely on past data to predict the future. The need for real-time data is now more pertinent than ever.

Qlik outlined new enhancements to its product roadmap to enable users to use analytics to make data-driven decisions in real time. Automated alerting can send push notifications to those who need to make decisions, and its acquisition of means it can easily provide integrations for SaaS platforms to provide a seamless experience.

You can also now add your own specific business logic to Insight Bot to make the AI tool even more beneficial to your business.

The data journey that Qlik outlined will provide significant improvements that will enable customers of all sizes to improve their data integration processes. Not only from data to analytics, but also from application to application where needed.

Qlik SaaS matures

It was good to see Qlik offering a more mature proposition around Qlik SaaS. This includes improvements around data integration functionality and collaboration with the Qlik Hub. Qlik’s continued system agnostic approach sets it apart and gives customers the option to integrate with any cloud provider including the major three – Azure, GCP, AWS – and also cloud services like Snowflake.

Climber Vizlib Webinar From insights to action

Support for Vizlib extensions continues

We are huge fans of Vizlib at Climber and it was great to see so much interest in Vizlib’s value-added extensions for Qlik Sense. Joe Warbington from Vizlib ran a similar session to those in our webinar series, so if you missed QlikWorld and want to know more about Vizlib extensions you can watch all three sessions here:

Session 1 – Vizlib Library & Vizlib Gantt

Session 2 – Vizlib Self-Service & Vizlib Finance, including Custom Report

Session 3 – Vizlib Collaboration, including Writeback


We’re all for virtual events that are accessible to more people and kinder on the planet. Qlik World didn’t disappoint and we’re already looking forward to the product roll-outs that Qlik has in store. If you want your data to be driving your decision-making get in touch to see how our BI solution development and support can help.

Samantha Hartley

Marketing & Content Specialist
+46 70 746 75 34

James Sharp

Managing Director
+44 203 858 0668

Published 2021-05-14

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